Three New Foals for 2016
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- Three New Foals for 2016

Foaling season always brings so much hope and excitement. This foaling season was perhaps the most difficult one we have ever experienced. Summer Rose foaled almost a month early surprising us with a beautiful colt, SWF First Kiss of Summer aka Bruce.
Just before her due date, Tia, was rushed to UGA showing signs of soreness on her front feet - a serious indication of something very wrong with this fabulous mare. Fortunately the great vets at UGA were able to get her pain under control and treat her for placentitis. The baby, SWF Prince of Pearls aka Junior, was born big and healthy and Tia's laminitis is under control.
Then Briella started showing the same symptoms as Tia. We wasted no time and she was admitted to UGA. Unfortunately her outlook was not as good as Tia's. I got the dreaded call, "Do you want to save the mare or save the baby?" My answer was that I wanted to save both! UGA had to induce labor and she presented with a red bag delivery. The vets were ready and had that filly out in 20 seconds. Then the wait was on. Was the filly going to be ok? Was she without oxygen? How was Briella doing? This story has a very sad ending. I had to make the decision to let Briella go. She was in too much pain and her outlook was not good. But the baby was doing great. It was such a sad day. Briella was an incredibly talented and gorgeous mare. But, now we have an orphan filly to take care of, SWF Briella's Blue Angel aka Ellie. I am so happy to tell you that Ellie is doing great. She drinks her milk supplement out of a bucket. Tia and Junior have let her into their little family so she has horse company. They are such a cute threesome.
All the babies are doing great. The boys, Bruce and Junior are all boy and sweet Ellie is doing beautifully as well. I've decided to retire Tia and take the year off from breeding. I am thrilled with Kisses' first baby, First Kiss of Summer. Pearlie King is the sire of Prince of Pearls and once again did not disappoint. Junior is his daddy's boy for sure! Ellie's sire is Deja Blue and we all know what great offspring he produces. I'll keep you posted on how everyone is doing. Mark and Jackie Barret will be here in June and we will update the pics as soon as we can.
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